About The product

IndiRAM Diamond Detection system is a one of its kind solution for the Gem and Jewellery industry providing CONCLUSIVE (99% reliability) results to identify various types of Diamonds, including treated Diamonds as well as Diamond Immitants.

IndiRAM Diamond Detection System gives CONCLUSIVE Results for the following:

  • HPHT
  • CVD
  • Natural (Treated/Non-Treated/Irradiated)
  • Diamond Immitants (Fake Diamonds)
  • Studded Diamond Jewellery
  • Fancy Color

Product Features

  • Quick TAT with conclusive Result
  • Expert Manpower not needed
  • Compact and Robust design
  • High Quality at cost efficiency
General Purpose System

Areas of Application

Pharmaceutical & Nutraceuticals


Forensic & Narcotics

Jewellery (Ring, Necklace, etc..)

What are Raman Spectroscopy-based Diamond Detection System?

The diamond industry faces a perpetual challenge: ensuring the authenticity and quality of gemstones amidst a market flooded with synthetic and treated diamonds. In this quest for assurance, the Raman Spectrometer-based Diamond Detection System has emerged as a beacon of reliability and precision. By harnessing the power of Raman spectroscopy, these systems offer unparalleled capabilities in discerning natural diamonds from their synthetic counterparts, revolutionizing gemstone authentication and safeguarding the integrity of the diamond trade.

Principles of Raman Spectroscopy Used For Diamond Detection System

Raman spectroscopy operates on the principle of inelastic scattering of light, wherein photons interact with the vibrational modes of molecules within a sample. As incident photons interact with the diamond lattice, they undergo energy shifts, generating a Raman scattering spectrum unique to the diamond's molecular structure. By analyzing these spectral fingerprints, Raman Spectrometer-based Diamond Detection Systems can differentiate between natural and synthetic diamonds with exceptional accuracy.

Discriminating Natural from Synthetic Diamonds for Diamond Detection System

Synthetic diamonds, cultivated through high-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) or chemical vapor deposition (CVD) processes, closely mimic the properties of natural diamonds, posing a significant challenge to gemstone authentication. Raman Spectrometer-based Diamond Detection Systems excel in distinguishing between natural and synthetic diamonds by detecting subtle differences in their Raman spectra. These differences arise from variations in crystallographic defects, impurity profiles, and lattice strain, providing unique signatures for each diamond type.

Advantages Over Traditional Methods for Diamond Detection System

Compared to traditional diamond detection techniques, such as visual inspection or UV fluorescence testing, Raman Spectrometer-based systems offer several distinct advantages. Firstly, they provide non-destructive analysis, allowing gemstones to be examined without altering their physical properties or value. Secondly, they offer high specificity and sensitivity, enabling the detection of synthetic diamonds even when they are indistinguishable to the naked eye. Finally, Raman Spectrometer-based systems are rapid and versatile, facilitating efficient screening of large quantities of gemstones with minimal sample preparation.

Addressing Evolving Challenges in Diamond Detection System

As synthetic diamond technologies evolve and become increasingly sophisticated, the capabilities of Diamond Detection Systems must also adapt to meet new challenges. Raman Spectrometer-based systems continue to evolve, incorporating advancements in optics, detectors, and data analysis algorithms to enhance their sensitivity and accuracy. Additionally, these systems are continually updated with comprehensive databases of Raman spectra from natural and synthetic diamonds, enabling robust identification across a wide range of gemstone variations.

Integration into Industry Workflow for Diamond Detection System

Raman Spectrometer-based Diamond Detection Systems are seamlessly integrated into the workflow of diamond manufacturers, retailers, and gemological laboratories worldwide. Compact and user-friendly instruments allow for efficient screening of gemstones at various stages of production and distribution, ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations. Moreover, cloud-based connectivity features enable real-time data sharing and analysis, facilitating transparency and traceability across the supply chain.

Empowering Confidence and Trust of Diamond Detection System With Technos Photonics

In an industry built on trust and reputation, Raman Spectrometer-based Diamond Detection Systems play a pivotal role in empowering consumer confidence and preserving the integrity of the diamond market. By providing objective and scientifically validated authentication, these systems instill trust in consumers, ensuring that their diamond purchases are genuine and ethically sourced. Moreover, they serve as a deterrent to fraudulent practices, deterring the circulation of counterfeit gemstones and promoting fair trade practices within the industry.


Raman Spectrometer-based Diamond Detection Systems represent the pinnacle of gemstone authentication technology, offering unmatched precision, reliability, and efficiency in distinguishing natural diamonds from synthetic imitations. By harnessing the principles of Raman spectroscopy, these systems provide a robust defense against fraudulent practices and uphold the highest standards of integrity and transparency in the diamond trade. As the industry continues to evolve, Raman Spectrometer-based Diamond Detection Systems will remain indispensable tools for ensuring the authenticity and quality of diamonds for generations to come.